ZythMC Factions Announcement
After several hours of work we are proud to announce our new game mode on ZythMC:
ZythMC Factions is a new, fun survival game mode with teams. Compete with other teams to dominate the server and make a vast fortune and a name for yourself!
In this list below, you can find a variety of features in Factions.
● Factions Plugin: Base plugin that allows for the Factions to work.
` /f help for more information
● Shop: Buy items with your currency!
- /shop
- /sell hand
● Trades: Trade your items and currency with other players!
- /trade <player>
● Auction House: Purchase and sell items from other players!
- /ah sell <price>
● Modified Silk Touch
- Drops mob spawner when you mine one
● Harvest Hoes: Harvest sugar cane with an upgradable hoe!
- Purchasable in the Shop
- Upgradable using money and fragments (you obtain fragments randomly from farming!)
● Combat Tag: Prevents players from leaving during fights, and punishes them if they do.
● PlayerVaults: Keep your items secured from other players, while being able to access them at any time.
- /pv <number>
Any other features/commands not mentioned in this announcement will be available in game using the /help command.
ZythMC Factions will be released within **2** days. An announcement will be made an hour and 30 minutes before release, with downtime an hour before release. Another announcement will be made when Factions is public.
Brought to you almost entirely by Rimm by the way!