ZythMC Survival Announcement & Release
ZythMC Survival is our best game mode yet, with fun features such as Envoys, Warp PVP, etc! Build the best base, become the richest player, or chill with others on ZythMC Survival!
● Warp PVP: Will teleport you to Warp PVP. Fight other players with your Survival gear!
● Envoy Events: Hourly events where envoy drops spawn in Warp PVP. Get free rare loot, envoy keys, and money!
● Vote Crates: Obtain a free vote key daily that has you good loot by voting for ZythMC on Eagler Server List. Vote at zyth.me/vote!
● /trade: Shows a list of subcommands a player can run.
- /trade {player}: Initiates a trade with that player if they are online.
● /ah: Opens the auction house, you can sell your items or buy other player's items here!
ZythMC Survival has released in beta! Because of that, expect bugs! Also expect performance issues, as we test fixes for the performance problem across the network.